Four W&J ROTC Members Receive Active Duty Assignments

Created: February 16, 2016  |  Last Updated: January 5, 2022  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(2月2日. 2016年11月16日)-四名大四学生 预备役军官训练团(ROTC) 华盛顿项目 & 杰佛逊学院&J) have earned active duty assignments in the United States Army.

学员艾玛·丘奇, Dakota Holloway, Garett Pyle, 斯蒂芬妮·索利达将在2016年3月或4月收到他们的单位分配. A fifth senior, Cadet Ulysses Laman, has commissioned into the U.S. Army Reserves.

The students have been working toward this goal since they began W&J’s ROTC program, and said earning the assignments is both an honor, 这也是结束他们在这个对他们意义重大的项目中的完美方式.

“I decided to join ROTC long before I got to W&J,” said Pyle, a 计算机与信息研究 他来自宾夕法尼亚州法明顿. 他说:“我的祖辈都曾在美国军队服役, stretching back to the American Revolution … Growing up, I always wanted to serve this great nation.”

The process for receiving an active duty assignment is competitive. 学生的大学专业, 平均绩点, campus involvement, physical fitness and leadership initiative are all considered, resulting in the student’s national ranking within the ROTC program.

约瑟夫·马塞里尼少校,W&J的后备军官训练队教练, said more than 5,600 students nationwide commission each year; about half of those students receive an active duty assignment. 来自W大学的五名学生&他说,J的大小异常高,对于一个相对较新的程序来说,这是不寻常的.

“这个过程最好的部分是,大部分都在学员的权力范围内. They control their GPA and their physical fitness, they choose to volunteer and help in the community,” he said. “This says something about the caliber of our students. 这说明了W&J.”

W&J始于1948年,但作为军队节约成本战略的一部分,该计划于1991年被撤回. 它于2011年恢复, 是一门选修课程,学生可以在他们的常规学术课程中学习. The program is open to students in any major. W&J的后备军官训练团目前有19名成员.

Solida, a biology 来自宾夕法尼亚州里默斯堡的少校.她说,在后备军官训练队的经历增强了她的信心,也影响了她的领导风格.

“I have learned a lot about my own leadership style and how to refine it. I have learned to be patient and to trust people. 我学会了如何坚持自己的立场,也学会了如何帮助他人发展。. “我的ROTC同学都是非常出色的人,如果没有他们,我不可能完成这个项目. 他们教会了我依靠他人、互相支持是多么重要.”

她的同学们也表达了同样的观点, 并表示后备军官训练队的训练将有助于他们在职业生涯中取得成功, and influence their commitment to their communities. Church said her goal is to become a clinical psychologist for the military, helping soldiers and their families work through psychological issues, 包括精神疾病.

“在心理意识方面有很多耻辱,军方目前正在努力解决这个问题,” she said. “I want to be a part of the change as a voice for the soldiers.”


Following what Pyle hopes will be a lengthy career in the Army, he plans to pursue a a job in the logistics field, 还想上木工学校, eventually opening a business to restore antiques.

That MAJ Masserini is proud of his students goes without saying. 他说学生的爱国主义, dedication and energy have re-energized him, and he has no doubt that their futures are bright.

“I have zero doubts that the Army is gaining five great future officers, 4名现役军人, 这太棒了,” he said. “我知道有士兵在寻找他们可以跟随的军官, 谁能树立这样的榜样,在模棱两可的时代引领潮流,这就是det365app所拥有的. I have no doubt the cadets graduating this year can do that for people. 我一想到这个就很兴奋.”


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