Phone: 724-503-1001 x6871
Office: Old Main 401


Corey Young, DPA

Director, 能源政策与管理中心; Instructor, Sociology

Degrees: Doctor of Public Administration, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Master of City and Regional Planning, Clemson University; BA, Thematic Major, Washington & Jefferson College

Corey Young现任华盛顿大学能源政策与管理中心(CEPM)主任&J. Established in 2012, CEPM是一个由政府资助的卓越研究中心,致力于促进能源政策的发展,以促进经济增长,同时最大限度地减少对环境的影响. Since its establishment, 该中心已经发展到不仅仅解决生产问题, transmission, 能源消耗以及社区层面的复原力和可持续性等更广泛的问题. Today, CEPM与其附属的教师和学生研究人员合作,在节约能源方面发挥校园能源领导作用, lower utility costs, and reduce carbon emissions; sponsor opportunities for the college community to learn about energy, technology, and design; and work directly with communities in southwestern Pennsylvania to address issues related to energy and the built environment.

Before coming to the CEPM, 科里曾在达拉斯郊区担任市政规划师, 德克萨斯州,以及为德克萨斯州北部和俄克拉荷马州南部社区提供服务的运输供应商的拨款和规划主任. As the Director, 科里领导的团队建立了创新的资助机制,以支持公共交通服务,并从德克萨斯州交通部和联邦运输管理局获得了300多万美元的竞争性赠款.

如今,Corey的工作重点是社区层面的设计、开发和建筑环境. Specifically, Corey对能源生产的经济和财政影响以及能源之间的关系感兴趣, the built environment, and public health. 在过去的几年里,科里已经开发并提供了一系列新的课程&J including Community Planning, Design, and Development; Urban Resilience; Urban Design Policy; Communities in Conflict: Fracking in the United States; Municipal Management and Non-Profit Leadership; and Community Analysis Techniques. 这些跨学科课程通常作为环境研究的选修课和专题, Public Policy, and Sociology programs.

In addition to his work at W&J, Corey目前是美国规划协会宾夕法尼亚分会西南分会的领导委员会成员,也是当地政府学院董事会成员.