Phone: 724-503-1001 x6131
Office: Swanson 300A
Email: mleonard@acadianacathedral.com

Michael Leonard, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Degrees: Ph.D. Chemistry (Organic/Bioorganic Chemistry), University of Pennsylvania; B.A. Chemistry with ACS Certification, Goucher College

Michael Leonard is a professor in the Department of Chemistry. 他教授初级、中级和高级有机化学. Dr. 莱纳德还教授生物化学和非科学专业的课程,包括“科学” & Art” and “Molecules That Changed The World.” His JayTerm course, “Easing the transition from Organic Chemistry I to II,翻转课堂,让学生参与互动解决问题. Dr. 伦纳德的研究重点是通过新颖的合成方法制备生物活性分子. Students conduct research in Dr. 在伦纳德的实验室进行了整个学年的研究,并在地区和国家会议上展示了他们的研究结果. For more information, see: http://orgowithleonard.com/.