W&即将升学的大四学生阿普丽尔·博尼法特(April Bonifate)坐在一张桌子前,电脑显示器上显示着扫描结果和微笑.


Created: July 26, 2022  |  Last Updated: August 24, 2022  |  Category:   |  Tagged: , , ,

WASHINGTON, PA (July 26, 2022年——科学发现正吸引着华盛顿州和华盛顿州的水生研究人员&J rising senior April Bonifate is helping them reel it in.

A biology major with a concentration in professional writing, 过去几周,博尼法特在华盛顿大学水产与渔业科学学院实习,与研究人员切尔西·伍德(Chelsea Wood)一起工作, Ph.D.和Julieta Martinelli博士.D., 在伍德实验室将现代奥林匹亚牡蛎与历史上的奥林匹亚牡蛎样本进行比较,000 and 3,以确定目前在牡蛎上看到的蛀壳寄生虫是太平洋西北地区(PNW)的新来者还是长期居民.

“This is a very unique role to be in as an undergraduate,博尼法特说, noting her contribution to a study that impacts shellfish farmers, native tribes, 自然资源管理.

拍摄贝壳样品, imaging shells with a Computed Tomography (CT) scanner, 分析图像, 在社交媒体上分享进展, 并协助撰写稿件, 她似乎确实积极参与了开始有成果的研究.

“So far, [the CT scans] show evidence of a parasite,博尼法特说. “不管是什么物种, det365app已经知道一种寄生虫已经感染PNW牡蛎很长一段时间了, and we hope to establish a timeline of just how long they have been here.”


“I pretty much was able to create my own internship since W&J has flexible options to fund student projects,博尼法特说, who received a Maxwell Award to support her work in the lab, and application advice from Professor of Biology Candy DeBerry, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Biology James March, Ph.D.

“Dr. “马奇鼓励我……充分利用我的本科暑假,”博尼法特说. 德贝里在为学生争取研究实习机会方面的专业知识和资源帮助我实现了这一目标.”

So too did her courses and co-curricular activities.

“在招生办公室担任主管和(住宿助理)的工作让我变得更加主动……我所学课程的广度也为我的成功做出了贡献,博尼法特说 “Having access to a CT scanner is no small feat, and to be trusted to run scans on my own, 作为一个访问本科生, 真的让我想到我是多么幸运,有实验室的经历让我做好了准备.”


“As a biology major who decided not to follow the medical route, it was scary to navigate what I might want to do after college,博尼法特说. “However, 这个机会告诉我,我可以站在科学发现的最前沿,并利用我的学位从事职业.”

To learn more about the research of Dr. Wood and her team, follow @olysfromthepast on Instagram and Twitter.

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